Housing Programs
CW Solutions proudly operates several housing programs, utilizing a Housing First, Rapid Re-Housing model. We understand housing is a core component for individual and family stability.
Each of our housing programs has a specific target population and is limited by that program's funding eligibility rules. We recognize no program can address all housing needs or include all populations. We approach housing with a two-pronged focus:
- Providing support to identify short-term housing options to address an in-the-moment crisis, including referrals to agencies that provide these housing options.
- Long-term sustainable housing.
As a No Wrong Door agency, we are committed to connecting individuals and families to additional housing programs in their communities that will meet their specific housing needs.
If you have questions about our housing programs in our service area, please call our Housing Resource Line at 715-218-2887.
Note: We cannot adequately address housing questions that are outside of our service area.
WHSS provides services to support families in developing skills and support systems to obtain and retain housing, positively interact with their landlord, and lead healthy lives. CW Solutions operates WHSS in Lincoln, Marathon, and Wood counties. We partner with landlords, community agencies, and other support networks to ensure each family receives tailored, wholistic services to achieve their family's housing and health goals.
Service Area: Lincoln, Marathon, and Wood counties
Family Keys is a pilot program through the Department of Children and Families to address housing instability with families intersecting with child welfare. CW Solutions partners with Wood County Human Services Department to provide services in Wood County. The goal of the program is to address housing issues to prevent children from being removed from the home and to allow the family to be reunified.
Service Area: Wood County
PATHS utilizes the Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing models when working with emerging adults ages 17-21 who have past involvement in the child welfare system and are without housing or at risk of being without housing. PATHS is focused on empowering and supporting these emerging adults to provide immediate housing supports, as well as services, to facilitate long-term housing stability.
Service Area: Adams, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood counties
RHEAP is a Housing-First, Rapid Re-housing program for youth age 18-24 who meet the definition of unhoused (homeless). RHEAP is focused on empowering and supporting young adults to provide housing supports and services to facilitate long-term housing stability for young people. Referrals can be made by anyone, but must complete the Coordinated Entry process with our staff to determine eligibility.
Service Area: Adams, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Vilas, and Wood counties